So far, this trip has been dominated by the idiosyncrasies of Welsh weather
After waiting a couple of days for a break in the weather earlier in the week, we left Aberystwyth yesterday morning to face showers and light winds en route to Fishguard
We saw dolphins on the way and were pleased that the weather cleared in time for us to get a good look at the Pembrokeshire coast.

Arrival at Fishguard was tempered by anxiety about today’s forecast ... we anchored in Lower Fishguard and had a pleasant drink in the sailing club there then the skipper spent the night fretting about the gale warnings that were issued for today.

After much contemplation , it was decided to leave early and try and get to Milford Haven before the weather arrived....we couldn’t stay in Fishguard as it would be too risky
After a good start,the weather became horrible as we approached Milford so we all got soaked and are still reeling after the roller coaster ride that many would pay dearly to experience at Alton Towers
Tonight has been spent chatting to a nice Dutchman, Stuart who is sailing around Britain on his own
The good news is that Milford Haven was developed by Sir William Hamilton and Charles Greville in the 18th century so one member of the crew in particular is looking forward to visiting the museum and The Lord Nelson pub to further acquaint herself with all things ‘Lady Hamilton’
The bad news is that this unsettled weather is set to continue for the time being ...but on the bright side we’re still all talking to each other

A wet boat